Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Contemplating a 100 day thing

It so happens that today was one of those days where i end up discovering something which'll probably have me hooked for a while. Until i fail at it miserably or it reaches a sense of saturation.

This discovery happens to be something so insignificant that i can't believe i did not try it myself!
I'll cut to the meaty part, so it's basically using illustrator to create a character whose attributes are sectioned into layers. Now importing this project file into After Effects and manipulating the layers to create a desirable movement.

You can find the video i referenced here! colourful language has been used... ALOT!

dance away little watermelon!

Now coming to the contemplating part, there have been the hashtags going about regarding a 100 day challenge or so and i'm not sure if i should do it.
Perhaps start with 14 days and move up? Step by step might seem less daunting.

Lets see how the days progress!

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

The mandatory AE post

Running low on Mt. Mograph, with a heavy heart i started looking for other tutorials.
I found myself able to throw sentimental and comfort value aside while i discovered a treasure chest of wonderful tutorials!

Today i tried one from Video Co-Pilot! I find that the more i delve into the software, it give me enough reasons to keep digging for more.

I've honestly never had this much fun in just the act of learning something, the last i can remember is when i was adamantly learning photoshop while in 10th grade.


My output!
Find the tutorial here!

Monday, 6 April 2015

Summit 38

The weekend which passed was Comic Con Bangalore weekend for me and possibly one of the better weekends i've had since coming here. In all the rush, updating obviously did not take place and neither did rendering the summit happen as planned.

I'll keep this post limited to just the summit as the weekend definitely needs better coverage!

Speaking of the summit, personally it was one of the harder ones, or maybe confusing ones because i did lose track at many points which led to me writing down after effect tips in my small notebook.
I keep going back to the notebook when i fear that i've forgotten what i learnt.

The output i managed isn't exactly (there's a big jump right there when the flap unfolds) as smooth towards the end fold as was shown in the tutorial but i'll leave that for another day.

Thanks for watching!