Wednesday, 17 June 2015

GIF day!

GIF day after a while. I"m really enjoying the AE puppet tool and i can't seem to get enough of it!
I'm thinking of trying a small-ish character with proper line art now!

Cherry & Cream!

Thanks for watching!

Thursday, 4 June 2015

GIF day

Finally another GIF day!
It's simple animation loops which really make me smile and i feel rather happy about the fact that I've been able to do something teensie at least!

Work has been taking up loads and loads of time and as usual, my 'spidey senses start tingling' and i feel like i really need to utilize my time to the max! 

Here's to hoping that being tied down with work will increase my productivity! yes yes!
Seductive doughnut feels like you shouldn't eat her NO NO

Thanks for watching!