Wednesday, 30 April 2014


Have you ever been frustrated when you're not able to draw?

Today was one of those days for me, and i just felt like i had to post something. But nothing was finishing and neither was it making me feel good!
Perhaps i'll update on this tomorrow? And a little more on whats been up and about this side...

Regarding updating this post today. i think i'll continue with doodles for a few days.
Here's me prowling around spice gardens sometime in December while in Kerala.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Oh misty eye of the mountain below.

I guess this counts as the long awaited, much needed supposed 'new' new year post? I mean i'm looking back at the last post about Chitrakatha, and i think to myself "Wow time sure does fly!" It's April and i'm sitting here wondering when i'll make the next post, so my brain sarcastically goes like something on the lines of "Well it's HIGH time". Continuing this later...

Birthday shout out to my dearly beloved, making baked goods and meat with you is always a pleasure. And if we're to start a business together, a restaurant would be it!

Aaand back to where i started...