Saturday 13 October 2012

Celebrating louwe :3

In February 2012 i decided that i wanted to do something really really awesome for my valentine. I had done some bookbinding and made a sketchbook for his birthday in 2011 but it never saw the light of day because i chickened out when it came down to making a final sketchbook cover for it.

So there i was staring at the naked sketchbook and i decided that i MUST make something for a cover page and surprise Parth as well as give him a very good reason to start sketching regularly again.

Here's my final book cover which i got printed from the  I.T. centre. The book had to be left alone pressed by a very heavy weight for a day before i could wrap it further with some clear plastic so that the print doesn't get ruined.

That evening we ate food at a Lebanese restaurant here in Ahmedabad called 'Souq' enjoyed some good hummus and pita bread :)

Thanks for looking!

don't click on me, i'm a CMYK print and i drastically change colours when previewed   

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